• Sushi Pad Thai Mac and Cheese
  • Man Repeller

    I like this website because they post a lot of funny articles about fashion and women's issues.

    1. Scotland
      1. Glasgow
      2. Edinburgh
      3. Perth
      4. Dundee
      5. Fort William
    2. Germany
      1. Berlin
      2. Munich
      3. Hamburg
      4. Frankfurt
      5. Dresden
    3. Italy
      1. Rome
      2. Venice
      3. Florence
      4. Milan
      5. Naples
    4. Holland
      1. Amsterdam
      2. Rotterdam
      3. The Hague
      4. Ultrecht
      5. Eindhoven
    5. Norway
      1. Oslo
      2. Bergen
      3. Trondheim
      4. Stavanger
      5. Tromso
        i am currently
        stressed because i know nothing
        about how to code

    Block elements start on a new line and takes up the full width available on a page. Inline elements do not start on a new line, and only take up as much space as they need. Inline blocks are blocks that do not add a line break after the element, so items can be placed next to eahc other.